Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Monsters of the Amazon" wins awards!

My "masterpiece," Monsters of the Amazon has been given its just deserts:

I try to make my travel videos fun to watch, using humor and music to distract from other incompetencies.  I was pleased to learn that the pseudo-travel-horror story Monsters of the Amazon has been awarded two prizes in contests hosted by the American Motion Picture Society (AMPS):
  • "Best SciFi" in the American International Film & Video Festival
  • [One of] "Ten Best 2012" in the North American Movie Makers awards

This is the story of our 1999 trip to South America, edited thirteen years later.  The people are real, but the facts are questionable.  I've written more about it on my other blog, HENBC.com.

If you haven't seen the movie, punish yourself by clicking on it (below):

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