Monday, September 30, 2013

Granada - Monday 9/30

Gloria, Mary, and Ed had some unfinished touring to do today, including the city's cathedral.  My aching feet left me with a "better" alternative - I accompanied them to the city center, took an outdoor table at El Kepab, read a magazine and nursed a couple of beers!

Returning to the B&B, I retreated to Rene's rooftop sanctuary and tried to frame the perfect photo featuring three Alhambras!

I was unwilling to chase another meal downtown, so I convinced everyone to walk up the cobblestone streets and choose a neighborhood tavern.  We found a suitable place (forgot to write down the name) hosted by a pleasant man named Juan.  For starters a raciĆ³n of cheeses and meats, followed by pans of mixed and seafood paella that was pretty good.

Did you notice that half-full glass of Spanish Cava.   This light sparkling wine -- think "soft champagne" -- became one of my favorite local beverages, second only to cerveza!

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